CAREERSMethods to identify your passion as a real-life hustle

Methods to identify your passion as a real-life hustle

Transform Your Passion into Income: Tips on Turning Hobbies into Profitable Hustles with Persistence, Experimentation, and Innovation.

Turning your passion into a real-life hustle is a dream many aspire to achieve. It’s not always straightforward, but with the right approach, it’s possible. The journey involves discovering what truly excites you and finding ways to monetize it. This article explores three essential tips to help you decide if your passion can become your income source. Through trial and error, perseverance, and trying new ventures, you can navigate the path to transforming your interests into a viable hustle. Let’s dive into these methods and see how you can make your passion your profession.

Can I turn my passion into my source of income? Did this question ever cross your mind? If yes, read on, as I will share three tips that can help you decide.

Trial & Error

In the first chapter of the book Range, David Epstein talks about the example of a famous tennis star who played every sport other than tennis as a young child. It was only later that Roger Federer took up tennis. Let’s look at an example to understand this better: I like solving various Rubik’s cubes and organized a workshop to solve a 3x3x3 cube. Unfortunately, I didn’t get many nominations, but it was worth a shot.


While pursuing my MBA, one of the points I noticed was the number of corporate employees who taught us. After graduation, I actively explored opportunities to teach as a visiting faculty at MBA colleges across Mumbai. Opportunities were rare, so I started small and requested different colleges for one guest session. I met the Dean of one college who told me that a guest session was difficult because there were Sr VPs and Directors of big companies waiting in line, and these folks had nearly twelve years more experience than me then. I didn’t give up and kept trying at other colleges, and finally, one MBA college gave me a guest session. At present, I teach at various institutes as a visiting faculty.

Try something new to identify your passion as a real-life hustle

Fast-speed internet has brought the world closer and has given rise to various new opportunities worldwide. One such area is online courses on platforms like Udemy, where one can teach anything from marketing, finance, technology, and music. I currently have three courses on Udemy with 1600 students across 70+ countries.
Overall, perseverance is vital to convert your passion into a side hustle.

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Turning your passion into a real-life hustle is achievable with persistence and experimentation. Embrace trial and error, stay determined, and explore new opportunities. Your dedication can transform a hobby into a rewarding income source. Remember, passion as a real-life hustle is all about commitment and innovation.

About the Author: Harish C. Rijhwani, Healthcare IT professional, professor, writer, author, consultant. Harish is an IT professional with 21+ years of experience delivering value to clients through technology and business services. Harish has also authored four self-published books, which are available worldwide via Amazon.


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